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Location: Parkwood High School, Monroe, North Carolina

Location: Double R Stables, Waxhaw, North Carolina

I grew up in the town of Waxhaw, North Carolina. I have four brothers and one sister. Around the age of seven, I developed a passion for horses and begged my parents to buy me my own horse to ride. Instead of my parents buying me my own horse, I was able to take horseback riding lessons.


As I grew older, I started questioning what I wanted to be when I grew up. Did I want to be a veterinarian, a nurse, or a teacher? Eventually, I landed on Special Education. During my senior year at Parkwood High School, I participated in the teacher cadet program. This allowed me to work in a third-grade classroom as a teacher's assistance. I focused primarily on a couple of special needs children in the classroom.


Outside of school, I volunteered with an eight-year-old autistic girl at Double R Stables. I also worked at a therapeutic riding stable called Mephibosheth Farms Angelic Riders as a volunteer for a few weeks. Working at these stables has motivated me to pursue my dream as a Special Education teacher. It has allowed me to incorporate all of my passions together; working with special needs children and horses all in one. 


Once I graduated from Parkwood High School in 2015, I enrolled at South Piedmont Community College (SPCC) in Monroe, North Carolina. I will be graduating with my Associate in Arts degree in May of 2017. Once I receive my Associate in Arts degree, I will be attending Appalachian State University to finish my Bachelor degree in Special Education. 


After completing the learning style assessment, I found out that I am more of a tactile learner. This means it is easier to learn things by being hands on.  I find it difficult to learn something if someone is just telling me about it. If someone visually shows me how to do a problem and I follow along, I will grasp the concept much better than if I was listening to someone speak about it. I focus much better when studying with music or some type of background noise. I will always find myself chewing on a pen when solving math problems or going over notes. I tend to fidget when trying to learn a new topic. This allows me to focus my brain on what is important at the moment.  


This learning style assessment described exactly what goes on when studying or finishing assignments. After looking over the description of a tactile learner, I was able to gain more insight into how I learn. My learning style percentage scores calculated to 20% auditory, 25% visual, and 55% tactile.


When not working on schoolwork, I am working part-time at JSourceTechnologies. I work primarily in the warehouse where I package JSourceTechnologies products and make deliveries to other companies.


Besides working and school, I enjoy many outdoor activities. These activities include hiking, horseback riding, etc. I also enjoy listening music, taking photographs, and traveling. I plan on hiking a part of the Appalachian Trail at some point in my life. 

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